Exhibition Archive:

Jane Braddock, 3 Rivers
Lovie Olivia, Beauty as a Method, guest curated by Michael Ewing
Shane Darwent & Joel Daniel Phillips, Plastic Sunrise
Jaq Belcher, Clear Light
Tiffany Calvert, Adversarial Nature
Wesley Clark, A Human Synthesis, guest curated by Michael Ewing
Carla Ciuffo, Lunar

Jack Hastings & Arlyn Ende, The Essence of Their Ticking
Wendy Walker Wilverman, The Hive Mind Dreams of Sleeping
Joshua Edward Bennett, OAZO
Patricia Bellan-Gillen, Words & Other Weapons
Amber Robles-Gordon, Sovereignty: Acts, Forms, & Measures of Protest & Resistance
Marilyn Murphy, Clouds, Dreams
Jason Craighead, From River to Ocean
Sky Kim, Sky Kim is Diving into the Micro-Universe

Jeanie Gooden, From the Hallway
Group exhibition, Rennaissance, guest curated by Michael Ewing
Arden Bendler Browning, Escape Routes
James Perrin, Fragmentations of Endearment
Andy Harding, Arrokoth
Scott Andresen, Beyond Repair
Alice Zilberberg, Finding Calmness in the Wild

Wendy Walker Silverman, Aspic & Ambrosia
KJ Schumacher, Rinna
Jeff Scott, Surveillance
Carla Ciuffo, Animal Instincts
Tiffany Calvert & Josh Azzarella, S/ample Data
Sisavanh Phouthavong, The Infinite Monsoon
Jing Qin, Soft Kernel

Group exhibition, Things to Come
Tyler Shields, A Solo Exhibition
Arden Bendler Browning, Places to Be 
Group exhibition, Women of Abstraction
Group exhibition, Street Cred
Jane Braddock, Ashes to Snow 
Jason Craighead, Invisible Audience
Carla Ciuffo, Portals

Group exhibition, Holiday
Group exhibition, The New Real 3
Kuzana Ogg, Mudra 
Cecil Touchon & Niels Shoe Meulman, Altered Language 
Jaq Belcher, White Noise
Tom Brydelsk, Selections
Arden Bendler Browning, All At Once 
Carol Mode, Sequences 
Andy Harding, Cloud Witness 

Joel Daniel Phillips, Welcome to the Orange West 
Carla Ciuffo, Nano.Stasis Cosmic Garden 
Group exhibition, Annual Retrospective 
Wesley Clark, The Prophet's Library 
Sisavanh Phouthavong, Legacies of War 
Group exhibition, Women of Abstraction 

Patricia Bellan-Gillen, Willful Wondering and Disorderly Notions 
David Yarrow, Wild Encounters
Group Exhibition, A Decade in the Making: 10 Years of Tinney Contemporary
Group Exhibition, Street Art: Brick to Canvas
Kuzana Ogg, Yasna
Jane Braddock, Drip Paintings
Jason Craighead, Self and System

Group exhibition, Topography, Curated by Jamaal B. Sheats
James Perrin, Observations, Integrations, Pareidolia, and Polysemy 
José Betancourt, Cuba: Reconstructing Memories
Lyle Carbajal, Romancing Banality 
Anna Jaap, Thicket 
Jaq Belcher, Hidden Light 
Group exhibition, New Abstractions

Carla Ciuffo, Stasis: Heavenly Bodies
John Folsom, SEACHANGE: Indexing the Concious Moment
Carol Prusa & Sky Kim, Mapping Out the Matrix
Group Exhibition, The New Real II: Figure Focused
Daido Moriyama & William Klein, Selections from the Tate Modern
Carol Mode, Continuum
Carlos Gomez de Francisco, Cactus Petals, Fluctuating Asymmetry, and Crimes of Passion
Tom Brydelsky, Luminous 

Jodi Hays, Super Scraps
Dorothy O’Connor, Scenes
Lyle Carbajal, Back Gallery
Jeanie Gooden, With Wings
Jack Hastings, Retrospective
Mary Addison Hackett, Shell Game
Stefany Hemming, Holding Pattern
Patricia Bellan-Gillen, Disorderly Notions
Group Exhibition, Shadow & Light
Carla Ciuffo, Stasis
Anna Jaap, The Resonance of Beauty
Pam Lombardi & Craig Dongoski, Discontinuity Continuum
Group exhibition, Southern Abstraction

Sisavanh Phouthavong, Refueling
Hyunmee Lee, Silent Gestures
Jack Hastings & Arlyn Ende, The Essence of Our Ticking
Susan Weil & José Betancourt, Blueprints
Group exhibition, The New Real
John Folsom, Anodyne Fronteirs
Peri Schwartz, The Architect Within

Jaq Belcher, Suchness
Steve Forber, Highway of Sight
Jonathan Postal, The Man Who Shot Rock
Raeanne Rubenstein, Andy, the Factory, and Me
Claire B. Cotts, Lost in the Night Garden
Group Exhibition, Silver: Points of Departure, curated by Carol Prusa
Jeanie Gooden, Sparked
Patricia Bellan-Gillen, Stealing Stories
Brett de Palma, Return of the Native
Mary Long, Solo Exhibition

Sharon Lee Hart, Sanctuary
Sidonie Villere, Impressions
Carol Es, Goodbye Mrs. Beasley
Todd Alexander, Solo Exhibition
Group exhibition, Metaphysical Materiality
Sisavanh Phouthavong & Jarrod Houghton, The Spring Collection
Martica Griffin, Southern Charms
Lyle Carbajal, Solo Exhibition
Eduardo Terranova, Disappeared and Vanished

David Teplica, Intimate Decade
todd Godon & Julyan Dacis, Of Sight and Sentiment
Group exhibition, Mixed Emotions
Group exhibition, Magic Cape
Donny Smutz & Craig Dongoski, Out of My Mind
Greg Decker, Golden Paintings
Rachael McCampbell, Endangered Heritage: Nature in the Balance
Group exhibition, Stop, Look, Listen
Group exhibition, Winter Walls

The Lost Boys Foundation, The Art of the Lost Boys of Sudan
Manuel & Cambridge Jones, The Image Makers
Pam Longobardi, Drifters
Carol Es, Above the Bias Forces
Group exhibition, Summer Selections