Anna Jaap | Thicket

April 25-May 27, 2015
Opening Reception: May 2nd, 6 to 9 pm
Collectors Art Night: May 1st, 5:30 to 8 pm* Anna Jaap's talk at 7:15 pm

Tinney Contemporary is pleased to present Thicket, an exhibition of new works by Nashville-based painter, Anna Jaap. In Thicket, Jaap invites the viewer into an archetypal landscape of many moods - elevating the familiar forms of leaves, nests, branches, and flowers into animated and often oversized elements suspended on stained substrates. Ranging from delicate drawings layered with collage to dynamic large-scale canvases, the work is dense with color and lively mark-making. Surfaces are wiped and brushed, drawings erased and redrawn. Jaap allows evidence of her explorations to remain and has scattered mechanisms from timepieces along the way to mark a journey made moment by moment - each piece a meditation on seeking the sublime in the familiar.

Anna Jaap was born in Arlintgon, TX in 1966. She earned her BFA Magna Cum Laude from Lipscomb University with an emphasis in classical painting and French. Since then, she has continually maintained a working studio and championed beauty as a key component of the human experience.

Jaap's artwork is collected internationally and has been exhibited in museums and in galleries across the United States. Selected clients include Avon, Agricultural Bank of China, BentleyForbes, Paramount Pictures, Ralph Lauren Home, The National Aquarium, and Tiffany.