Mary Addison Hackett | Shell Game

August 24 - September 28, 2013

In Shell Game, Hackett revisits her relationship with abstraction with the addition of invented flora, patterns lifted from family heirlooms, and carefully constructed layers that shift slightly in color when viewed from different angles.

Before studio hours, I had a meditation practice. During studio hours, I listened to mashups, mostly "Girl Talk," and "Vol. 1 of Switched On The Cool Sound of TV Advertising" on repeat. In between, I walked the dog and did housework; saw a movie or read a book; took a motorcycle ride and did some yoga or ran. There were a few storms. Some trees went down. On and on.  - Mary Addison Hackett, 2013

Hackett lived and worked in Chicago and Los Angeles for the last 25 years, exhibiting nationally and internationally. She recently returned to Nashville where she maintains a studio.